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Signed Kenpo Karate Uniform Designed

for Tiger Claw 

I was comissioned by Tiger Claw Martial Arts Supply to design a martial arts uniform for the Kenpo community. When I designed this uniform one of the features I took into consideration was that I wanted a uniform (Gi) that had a 5 year old feel without the 5 year old tatter.


This took several, years to develop. It features a stone washed canvas uniform with reinforced knees, a draw string elastic waite and a few hidden pockets.

I have a limited supply available. The uniforms are hand signed on the lapel and the name you want signed too. Please specify the size uniform you want in the form below and we will send an invoice for the uniform. 

Size 3, 4 5, and 6 are available, When adding your shipping address please specify your gi size next to your name.

Only $125 plus shipping

Choose your uniform size

We will send an invoice to your email address.


Once it is paid we will ship the custom signed uniform with your name and the signature of Ed Parker Jr. 

Thanks for submitting!

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