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We create stunning imagery and dynamic artwork at Ed and Baer Parker Art.
We love to create beautiful visuals that bring cheer and a smile to individuals, businesses and homes.
If you are interested in commissioning custom work please feel free to contact us at the noted addresses and phone numbers or easier yet, fill out the form below and leave us a note telling us. Refer to the buttons on the left and click your choice.
On any given day we are typically in production at our creative studio painting, editing, writing or we are out of the office on a photo safari so please leave a message and we will be happy to get back to you as soon as our schedule permits.
Baer and I appreciate your interest in collecting past works or scheduling custom work. Thank you for taking the time to view our website.
Have a peaceful day!

541-230-3130 (messages)
P.O. Box 349
Sumpter, OR 97877